You may not realize it, but the brakes on your car do a great deal to keep you safe. Provided you have an appropriate reaction time, brakes can prevent accidents and even save your life. In order for brakes to efficiently protect you, they must be in proper working order. To know if your brakes need replacing, be sure to use your eyes and ears.
A Growling Sound
If you have heard this kind of sound, or a grinding sound coming from your car it means that the brake pads are completely worn down. If you hear this, you may need to get your rotors replaced.
Lacking in Responsiveness
If you have noticed that your brakes are not as responsive as they once were, you may have a leak in your system. If you are worried this may be the problem, check for a leak of fluid after your vehicle had been parked.
Vibrating Brake Pedal
A brake pedal that vibrates may indicate rotors that are warped. This can be caused when the vehicle is braking harshly over a long period of time.
The brakes on your car do a lot for your vehicle and even keep you safer while you are in it. Be sure you pay attention to the signs that your brakes need some maintenance. To have your brakes replaced, contact White’s Automotive Center in Columbus at 706-323-1060.